
Dance With The Devil part 2

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SOADluvr67's avatar

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I awoke the next morning later than I had expected. I had never been one to indulge by sleeping in. I attempted to rise, urging my muscles to work in unison, but I was too sore and weakened from my wounds. After I allowed myself to lie there and gather my strength, I decided it best to go to my bathroom and assess the damage of the previous night’s happenings. It seemed like an eternity, the journey to the bathroom that resided merely ten feet from my bed. Each step took an inestimable amount of effort. Upon reaching my bathroom I became rather lightheaded and was forced to grab onto the counter. My vision began to blacken and I began to feel my legs giving way. Once I felt secure enough to stand without aid, I let go of the counter and starred at myself in the mirror. “He really did a number on me this time,” I said to myself. My blonde hair was strewn about and slightly stained with the blood from my wound. He had given me a generously sized black eye and boot prints were imbedded in my sides. “No matter,” I said nonchalantly. I grabbed a baseball hat that I managed to find amongst the ruin that was my room and situated it so that it hid the bruise. I then ventured upstairs; unaware of what would await me.

My aunt greeted me warmly and hugged me tightly. I tried not to wince from the pain as best I could. “Well good morning sleepyhead!” she beamed cheerily. I merely nodded and sat myself beside my sister at the table. “She refused to eat until you did, Baden” she teased.

“Wow! You sure look tired,” laughed my angelic sister, her large green eyes shimmering in the morning rays.

“Airiana, now that wasn’t very polite!” said my aunt slightly irritated.

“I suppose I did,” I laughed, feeling as though a decent morning was not an out-of-the-question desire.

“Hello, Hayden,” called my aunt, “It seems as though you slept in as well!” I turned to see him standing there still as immense and muscular as ever, he was, however more composed since our last encounter the night prior. He stood in the threshold to the kitchen a moment longer as he stretched his significant muscles and yawned. He grinned sadistically at me.

“Good morning, Baden,” he said. I merely nodded in response. He sat himself across the table from me and began to eat his breakfast. “How’d you get that shiner there, Baden?” my uncle asked, never once removing his gaze from his meal. He knew better than anyone else in the room how I had received it. However, he was testing me. I knew he was.

“Oh dear!” my aunt exclaimed, removing my hat. “How on earth did you get that?” I looked to my uncle who grinned slightly.

“It’s nothing,” I explained. “I’m a klutz, you know that. I tripped down the stairs and caught myself on the railing. That’s all.”

“Tripped down the stairs?!” said my aunt worriedly. “Oh dear, well you must be more careful. Come now, we’ll get this taken care of.” She led me to the refrigerator where she handed me a bag of iced peas to hold over my swollen eye.

“You’ll be alright won’t you, Baden?” asked my concerned younger sister.

“Of course he will!” my uncle bellowed in his profound voice. “The boy just needs to learn how to use his own two legs.” He ate the rest of his meal in silence and afterwards left for work. He had been under more stress than usual as of late. Our finances were suffering and he was thus forced to manage an additional job on weekends. I really should be more understanding and empathetic toward him.

“Don’t you have homework to do, young man?” inquired my aunt.

“What?” I asked emotionlessly, being completely unaware and estranged from my surroundings.

“Homework? Do you have any?” asked my aunt for a second time.

“Oh, yes I do,” I said, snapping back into reality. Tomorrow was Monday and I had yet to start on my homework. “I should start it now.” I said soullessly as I continued to stare blankly at the battered walls of the kitchen.

I spent the remainder of my day, buried amid my books and papers, working tirelessly until I had completed my work in its entirety. My sleep that night was fitful. My mind always wandered and in so doing discovered him. I relived the previous night’s happenings time and time again. Every word, every motion felt so clear and vivid that I found myself believing I was there in the kitchen with my uncle again. Whenever he would strike me I found myself back in my bed, my heart pounding, my breathing rapid, and my brow beaded with sweat. I eagerly waited for morning.

I was not feeling like myself. I wandered the halls of my school in a fog, numb to all those around me. I walked unhurriedly through the cold, impersonal halls of my school, clutching my books to my chest, my gaze never once leaving the floor. I went to my classes but retained none of the information. The teachers would drone on throughout their lectures and I merely sat there pretending to notice. I was usually rather studious and enjoyed school essentially. It was an escape from my life at home. It was my only safe haven.

“Hey man, are you feeling alright?” my friend Alden asked as I starred blankly at the writing on the board during my last period class.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” I inquired dully.

“I don’t know. You seem … distant today.” he said with concern.

“Well I suppose I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” I said clicking the pen I held in my hands.

“Are you two quite finished?” inquired our teacher Mr. Alistaire irritably. “I would like to teach if it’s all the same to you.”

“Sorry,” we replied in unison.

“Oh, and Baden?” questioned my teacher as he wrote his notes on the board, his back facing toward me. “I would like to see you after class today.” This statement was soon followed by comments and jeers from the peanut gallery, but such was to be expected. “That’s enough out of all of you!” he exclaimed and he continued to write.

Class had eventually ended and I watched my fellow classmates leave longingly. “What could he possibly want to talk to me about? I have enough to worry over as it is!” I thought angrily.

“Baden, you’re not yourself lately.” said Mr. Alistaire as he began to pack his things.

“I’m sorry, sir, I’m just tired. Nothing to concern yourself with.” I said as I sat at my desk eagerly waiting for him to accept my explanation and release me.

“It’s not just today,” he said turning to face me. “You’ve been increasingly disconnected as of late.”
“Well I suppose things are somewhat stressful at home, but everything is fine. We’re just slightly stretched financially.” I said, giving him a more reasonable explanation that would continue to conceal my repulsive secret.

“So is that how you got that black eye?” he inquired as he took a seat in the desk beside me. I began to become nervous and could feel my pulse quickening.

“Oh, this thing?” I laughed pointing to my injury. “I just tripped down the stairs and caught myself on the railing. I’m a huge klutz! My uncle tells me I need to learn how to make use my legs since I apparently lack the talent.” I said jokingly, hoping he would find humor in what was said.
“You tripped down the stairs?” he inquired again. At this point I could hear my blood coursing through my head making it hard to concentrate. He didn’t believe me. I knew it. My uncle would be furious. I needed to get home!

“Yes,” I said coolly. “Like I said, I’m not exactly graceful.” I could hear my speech quicken.
“Well if you insist,” said Mr. Alistaire somewhat disappointed. He continued to stare at me for some time, hoping I would reveal more to him. Seeing that I would not he continued by saying, “But if you ever need someone to talk to … you know where to find me… Alright?”

“Of course!” I said with a sigh of relief. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
I gathered my belongings and raced out of the room, everything passing by me in a haze. When I reached my locker I saw a familiar and not entirely welcoming face standing beside it.

“God! Took you long enough.” My irritable girlfriend Bindi scowled.

“Sorry, Alistaire kept me after class.” I said as I packed my things.

“So what’s this? No kiss? No nothing?” she cantankerously questioned as she leaned against the locker beside me. I closed my locker and turned toward her and exaggerated an annoyed expression. My lips and hers met momentarily and I pulled away. “That’s all?” she inquired disappointedly.

“What?” I asked, feigning confusion.

“Well, I suppose I was expecting more than that” she said easing closer to me.

“Sorry to disappoint but I’m already late and I really need to get home.” I said with a look of urgency about me.

“Fine!” she scoffed. She then turned and walked away, I assume to talk amongst her posse. She was the undisputed leader of her party. Girls would go to any lengths imaginable to win her favor, and most did. Her family was wealthy and I imagine she was rarely denied anything she desired. Why she had singled me out as her appointed property was beyond me. She was petty and dishonest and, although she was attractive physically, she had the personality of a raging harpy.
i finally posted the second portion of the story lol (like anyone besides meaghan or toni cares) lol well anyway it's not all that amazing or anything so i don't expect reviews to reflect that but if you would be so kind to, if you must, criticize nicely! and sorry about the awkward ending i didn't realize the transition was that abrubt so the 3rd instillation should clear everything up ... so sorry again!
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kelly639's avatar
umm i love it and i care thank you very much! its great!